Thursday, October 7, 2021

Sailing the Boat

Bonjour Friends! 

I was wondering, there are so many. I came to know that their exact ratio is beyond my imagination. 

You’ll find plethora of sailors, sailing along. Everybody has their own life, wishes, wills and dreams. They are in no competition. Therefore, hatred is just beyond all they carry with them. Each of them has their own destiny. Nobody wants to ruin or dishonor their way of light. 

Imagine! If we all sail together towards our own destination with love, care, respect and all of the above by helping each other, the way and the landing place, both would be in the best hours of our lives. 

And the final end would be much brighter than the streak of a shooting star. Am I right my friend?

A picture from my Australian Holidays, Sydney, New South Wales.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

This time, the road taken!

Bonjour Friends!

This time, the road was finally taken. Every person has it's own story. Every vehicle on the road had it's, too. Busy lives and ambitious people are they, who have walked through this path, on this road. The texture is different from that of the sand and so there are no footprints. But that doesn't mean, the souls have never walked!

We cannot even imagine, what they had been gone through to get through... But as they have courage, they have walked. And I am confidently sure that they will get their dreams come true, through, themselves... My friend, just like you.

A picture of Melbourne City, Victoria, Australia.


A Travel Tale

Bonjour Friends!

Sometimes you have to travel to see the reality. The sceneries in the world are the reality that we are away from. 

When I went to Australia, I precisely experienced what I always wanted to. It’s awestruck natural reality made me it’s biggest fan. I was mesmerized by the view that I had to take a picture of it. Sydney is a very busy and a fast moving city. 

My experience in Sydney was different from Melbourne. But was amazingly good and I would definitely love to visit the outstanding island again.

The waves contributed a lot in the beauty of Sydney. A deep glance will make you think about it towards different directions and take it anywhere, you’ll be right! My friend…

 A picture from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Monday, October 4, 2021

The Travel Tale

Bonjour Friends! 

Every country has a history. And so did Australia! I was lucky to see a place where the martyred souls had a place to shine and make their country proud. 

Australians have a different way to respect their people and humanity. And I must say, they outstandingly perform their role. Something’s hidden and something’s shown, Australia being a beautiful country, has many hidden treasures, grown…

The Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia 


Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Travel Tale...
Bonjour Friend's!
The uneven mud, the mountain like sands, tell many stories of millions of footprints that visit the waters for their pleasure, their kids, their better half, the happiness or even sometimes spending time in the loneliness. 

The water just looks like simple or wavy water but it has more than millions of stories to tell. But we don't have time to listen to...

But it is still waiting for a patient listener to visit for an anecdote! 






Friday, July 3, 2020

A Travel Tale...

Bonjour Friends!
Waters nearly took my breath when I was going to the Phillip Island.
Ah! the waves were so beautifully in shape that instead of sitting inside the Ferry, I was standing out and looking all around and thinking that may be I would never see this again...
A picture from my Australian Holidays, Victoria...

Thursday, July 2, 2020

A Travel Tale...

Bonjour Friends!

I had never been to any foreign country in my life before. It was a God's gift that he sent me to one of the most beautiful countries of the world!
Those were my perfect holidays after my mid term exams!
I did not know that it would be so great that I would keep dreaming of its awestruck, beautiful attractions, it's tall and shiny buildings, friendly people and the cutest animals, every day.
  A picture from my Australian Holidays, Melbourne City.

Sailing the Boat

Bonjour Friends!  I was wondering, there are so many. I came to know that their exact ratio is beyond my imagination.  You’ll find plethora ...